opera Rock)是一部描绘音乐家莫扎特艺术人生的法语摇滚音乐剧,剧中音乐结合了原创摇滚乐和莫扎特的古典乐作品。大胆的摇滚乐配以经典巴洛克风格的服装,现代的表现手法配合欧洲宫廷的华美舞台,一代音乐大师的不羁才华在全新的演绎下流光溢彩,却又返璞归真。本剧于2009年9月在巴黎体育馆首次公演即引起巨大轰动,随后在法国各地、日本、韩国、乌克兰及俄罗斯展开的巡演都大获成功,古典美与未来感相结合的视听觉体验吸引着全年龄段的观众群体为之疯狂。法国流行音乐剧《摇滚莫扎特》演出启动后即刮起一阵辐射全球的旋风,音乐剧专辑在法国音乐专辑榜上榜20周,收录众多朗朗上口的复古单曲,收获粉丝无数。单曲 “Tatoue-moi”则连续五周保持全法销量冠军,并取得了连续11周保持销量前5的惊人成绩。演出故事丰满,人物性格突出,加之绝美的服饰布景,打造出视听效果的完美体验。《摇滚莫扎特》更被多家媒体誉为“对整个音乐剧界的一次真正革命!”
音乐剧《摇滚莫扎特》2018年在上海文化广场首次引进上演,便大受欢迎。而其中“莫扎特”的扮演者米开朗琪罗·勒孔特(Mikelangelo Loconte)也将再度回归,扮演这位才华横溢的音乐天才。
Mozart, l'opéra rock ("Mozart, the rock opera") is a French musical about the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from age 17, using both original pop-rock compositions as well as existing music composed by Mozart. With class Baroque-styled costume design and magnificent stage design, this show perfectly illustrated the incomparable talent of Mozart. The musical premiered on 22 September 2009 at the Palais des Sports de Paris and caused a huge sensation. It later went on tour in France, Japan, Korea, Ukraine and Russia, attracting audience from all age groups because of its both classical and modern artistic style and becoming a global phenomenon. The complete album was one of the best-selling records in France for 20 weeks and the single “Tatoue-moi” was number one in sales for five weeks, and remained in the top 5 for 11 weeks. With the engaging narrative, vivid characters and breath-taking costume and stage design, this musical was deemed as "a real revolution in musical theatre”.
The musical starts with the young, 17-year-old Mozart. It then uses rock music to introduce the opportunities and difficulties he encountered when he struggled to earn acknowledgement in the world of music. From his hometown Salzburg to Mannheim, from Paris to Vienna, his musical talent led him to break free from the prejudice people held towards German operas and the limitation of his time. He dedicated his life to his gift for music. While Salieri, Mozart’s rival in the musical, won the title of choirmaster of the Imperial Chapel, Mozart won the immortal respect in the eye of history.
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