《布兰诗歌》Carmina Burana
作为20世纪上演最多的清唱剧作品之一,《布兰诗歌》 亦是上海歌剧院尽显综合艺术实力的经典保留剧目之一。2003年,以融入现代舞的新颖形式与德国艺术家合作,首演于德国路德维希堡艺术节,2005年以一百多位艺术家的庞大阵容亮相第16届澳门艺术节闭幕式,2009年又作为东方艺术中心09-10演出季开幕大戏上演,之后亦曾赴北京等多地巡演,2021年底2022年初,作为上海歌剧院南方巡演的主要演出项目在顺德、深圳、广州、福州等多地上演,所到之处皆赢得广泛关注与各界好评。
As one of the most performed oratorios in the 20th century, Carmina Burana is also one of the classic repertoire of the Shanghai Opera House which fully showcases its comprehensive artistic strength. In 2003, under the collaboration with German artists in a novel form that integrates contemporary dance, it was premiered at Ludwigsburg Art Festival. In 2005, with a cast of over 100 artists, it appeared at the closing ceremony of the 16th Macau Art Festival. It was also performed as the opening performance for the 09-10 Season of the Shanghai Oriental Arts Center in 2009, and later toured in Beijing etc. At the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022, as the main project of Shanghai Opera House’s tour in Southern China, it toured in cities e.g. Shunde, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Fuzhou etc, and has been highly praised by all walks of life.